Headcanon Dreaming

Tell this Alexa Skill three things, and it builds a fun and funny tale of inspiration. Great fun with a group. Replay with different answers!

Build a story, alone or with friends.

Headcanon Dreaming asks you to name three things: an exotic animal, an interesting job, and a lifelong dream someone might have. Once it has the answers, you’ll hear Kendra’s tale of inspiration. 

And who knows? You just might learn something about your own dreams along the way.


Headcanon Dreaming was created, written, and developed by:

Ron Martinez, Headcanon founder and media inventor, and a pioneering narrative game and simulation designer, producer, and developer. Ron, former VP Intellectual Property Innovation for Yahoo! and creator of book retailing platform, Aer.io, also brings a continuing focus on novel commerce and distribution models to his work in narrative systems design.

A replayable group Skill.

This skill is great fun with a group! You can your friends can agree upon the answers, give them to Headcanon Dreaming, and enjoy the resulting laughs and even insights in this eccentric story of inspiration.

And you can play it again and again with different answers!

Currently in review, expect Headcanon Dreaming to go live in the first week of October, 2019.

Headcanon Dreaming was first built for Reinventing Storytelling, an event series produced by Headcanon in partnership with Schoolab, the Paris-based global accelerator, consulting, and co-working network.

In the inaugural September, 2019 San Francisco event, the audience supplied the answers and we collaboratively built Kendra’s story.

A sublime experience, and great fun for all!

A new Skill category.

Headcanon Dreaming was originally conceived to be experienced with a group, and it points the way to an entire category of customizable group experiences, each generated and orchestrated in realtime by the Skill itself.

We have several titles in this series in concept or early development, and are exceptionally excited about the possibilities!

Get in Touch

Project idea? Question? Please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

8 + 9 =

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